Most Suppliers frequently release updated Price Books with changed prices and new parts added.

These price books can be very useful as they can be used to:

  • Create new items using the details from the Price Book
  • Special order items for customers from the price book without cluttering up the stock file
  • Update stock item retail prices after price changes

Evopos can import files in two formats, CSV and OPEA.

To sell from a Price Book: In Sales just enter the number and if it is not found in the Stock Items a screen will show with the available Price Books.

To browse Price Book select Items from the top menu and then Price Books from the left menu, select the Price Book you want to browse on the top drop-down list. We can then browse, search, create and edit Price book items. The Maintenance section allows you to import updated price files, make global changes and update you current stock from the latest price book.

Download the Price Book file

You can download price books from our website as well as your suppliers/manufacturers website.

  1. Go to the Portal at
  2. Log in if not already logged in (Register if you have not Logged in previously. Contact Customer Services if you have forgotten your existing Login details)
  3. Select the Portal option from the top menu and then select the Download tab
  4. If the price files are not shown please contact customer services so that the option can be added (There is normally a nominal charge per month to cover all price books)
  5. Select the price book you require and select Download. You may be given the option to Save or Run. Select Save and it will normally save into the virtual \Downloads folder (Library).
  6. We recommend copying the file into the C:\Evopos\PriceBooks folder (Right click the file in Downloads and select Copy, and then right click a blank area in C:\Evopos\PriceBooks and select Paste) 

Import a Price Book into Evopos

  1. Select Items from the top menu
  2. Select Price Books from the left menu, and select the appropriate Price Book. Note: If the Price Book is not listed, go into Settings, then Stores and create an appropriate Price Book record for that supplier
  3. Select Maintenance from the left menu, and select Import - CSV / Excel
  4. The 'Delete all existing records' option deletes the old records to prevent them doubling up. You would normally keep it ticked unless you importing multiple files into the same price book in which case you would delete the old records on the first file and then un-tick for the following files.
  5. The 'Multiply By' and 'Range' columns enable you to set additional mark-ups to the Retail price for different price ranges. For example you could put a higher margin on lower value items and lower margins on higher value. If you want to keep the original retail then ensure each 'Multiply By' value is set to 1. Note: Evopos will save these settings for the next import of this Price Book.
  6. The 'Update Categories' option allows you to update or ignore any Categories supplied in the Price Book. For example you would leave un-ticked if they did not fit in with your categories you have set in Evopos. If there are no Categories set in the Price Book Evopos will use the Default Category set on the Price Book (In Settings / System / Stores). If tick this option it will look for the Category in the Evopos Categories Name field (or Code if option below selected), if found it will assign the Category ID to that price book item, if not found it will create the category and assign the new ID.
  7. The 'Use Category Code rather than Category Name' option (together with the option above) will look for the Category supplied in the Price Book in the Code field of the Category table and assign the item the Category code. If the code is not found in the category code field a new category will be created and assigned to the price book item.
  8. Select the File you want to Import (Click the magnifying glass to Browse for the file)
  9. When finished selecting the above options select Ok from the left menu
  10. When the Import has complete you can check the Price Book for the correct record and prices. Note If you have used an additional markup the original Retail is normally stores in the User Defined Price 3 field. We normally add a record to each Price Book with a part number starting 'ZZZ' where we detail price Book information such as the Supplier, Update date and Number of records there should be.

Updating your Stock Item prices from the Price Book

When you are sure the prices in the Price Book are as you want then, you could then select the option to: Updating Stock from Price Books.

This can update several fields but the most common option is just to update the Retail price.

Note: If you have items in your stock file that you do not want to update you can set a code on those items to ‘SETPRICE’. There is also an option to only update prices if the new price is higher.

  1. Select Items / Price Books and select which store you are updating from in the store selection box.
  2. Select Maintenance and select Update Store from Price File.
  3. Choose a Category to update.
  4. You can select 'All categories' if you want to update everything with a matching Part Number
  5. You can select 'Matching Categories' if you want to only update records where the Category and Part Number match
  6. Or you can select a single Category which will only update stock items with that Category and a matching Part Number
  7. Choose a Store to Update
  8. Confirm the fields you want to Update
  9. Normally we would only update the Retail price
  10. We would NOT normally update the Cost Price as this would set parts in stock to the latest cost price rather than the price they were actually purchased at. This would also normally increase the stock valuation considerably
  11. Sometimes the Price Book is supplied with additional price fields in addition to Cost and Retail (For example a Trade price). These prices are put in the User Defined Price 1 and 2
  12. The update will amend the selected information on any part numbers found in both the price book and the selected store.
  13. Click OK to confirm.