The 'Check / Fix Data Issues' maintenance option will scan through the data looking for various mistakes and inconsistancies. Any issues found are either fixed automatically (where possible), or logged as 'Data-ToDo' (where a solution is not automatically obvious), this allows suspect issues to be looked at more closely and corrected manually if appropriate.
Running Check Fix Data
You may need to allow up some time for this procedure to run if there is a lot of data. Evopos will provide reports afterwards to show what has been Fixed and what is To Do. Details are also storred in the Operator Log (Settings / System / Log).
- Select Accounts \ Maintenance
- Select the Check \ Fix Data Issues option
- Select OK
- Confirm a date you wish for Evopos to check from. Confirm a date at least 1 month earlier than the period start (If you select too early a date the process can be slower).
- Select OK
- When complete Evopos will show a summary prompt, select Ok
- It will then show the Fixed and ToDo reports which you can Print or Export for reference.
Data Fixed
These are issues that Evopos has automatically fixed. The Report (and Operator Log) will give a description on what has been done.
- Sale LineHeaderID - Updates Sales Transactions Lines with no Header ID with a Header ID (Old versions linked by Transaction No, now links by Header ID).
- Sale TradeInBank - Fixes old bug where Sales Payments for Trade-Ins were not automatically marked as Banked. This stops them appearing in Bankings.
- Sale Pymt 01-08 - Fixes old bug where certain Sales Payments could have a Nominal of: 01-08-?? instead of 01-09-04
- Sale Contra>Journal - Sales Payments which have a Sales Type:'CONTRA' (old versions) are set to: 'JOURNAL'
- Sale Create<>Inv - If Sales Invoices with the associated Payment Create Date <> Inv Date, then sets Payment Create Date set to Inv Date. Could give incorrect Opening and Closing Debtors figures if the date difference spanned financial periods. Effects Balance Sheet difference.
- Sale JourCrt<>Pd - If Journals and Bankings have a different Create Date to the Paid Date will set Create Date as the Paid Date
- Sale PdNoPymtDate - Sales Payment marked Paid but has no Paid Date, will set Paid Date to Payment Create Date. Effects Balance Sheet difference.
- Sale Paid<Inv/Create - If any Paid dates are in a previous month to the Inv/Create date and Paid=True it will prompt to Change Sales Paid date to Inv date. If answer Yes it will change it, if answer no (or it is a Direct Deposit or Supplier Account) it will put it on the ToDo list. Could give incorrect Opening and Closing Debtors figures if the date difference spanned financial periods. Effects Balance Sheet difference. See also section in ToDo.
- Sale NoPymtRec - Creates a Payment record if there is no associated Payment record for a Sales Transaction. TODO: The new Payment record will have a Payment Method of Sale Contra (In-Hand-Contra) and Payment date the same as the Invoice Date. If the Invoice is Valid - If Paid we can Journal from the In-Hand-Contra to the appropriate Payment Nominal (we can do one Journal for multiple invoices), if Not Paid (On Account) create a negative pre-payment on the Sales Contra account. If Invoice is NOT Valid then Credit the Sale (Sales / Options) using same Payment Methods (Note do not backdate into a period where the Tax has already been paid). (Note: Old importing of Business Manager sales created Sales Invoices without sales payments). Effects Balance Sheet difference.
- Pur NoPymt - Purchase Transaction that has no accociated Payment Record. There was a bug at one stage that could create a 2nd duplicate Transaction without the Payment record. You cannot see these records in Purchase Browse as it expects all Transaction records to have a Payment record. The system deletes Purchase Transaction without a Payment and also lists them in the Report / Log. Effects Balance Sheet difference.
- Pur PaidNoSD - If the Statement Date not set (Null) and the record is Paid it sets Purchase Payment Statement Date to the same as Paid date.
- Pur JournPD<CD - On Journals, if PaidDate<CreatedDate will set CreatedDate to the PaidDate .
- Pur Paid<Inv - If Paid Date in a previous month to Inv Date it will come up with a prompt to change Paid Date. If answer Yes will set Paid Date to Inv Date. If answer No will put in TODO list (see below). Effects Balance Sheet difference
- Pur Contra>Journal - Ensure Purchase Journals have a Sales Type 'JOURNAL' rather than the older 'CONTRA'
- Pur Pymt 01-09 - Updates Payment Nominal to 01-08-99 if incorrectly set to: 01-09-??
- Pur TaxNet - Fixes old bug where Tax was in Net field and Net in Tax field (normally on TradeIns). Note: Recheck Tax reports for period if submitted
- Pur SetRef - Sets Reference to blank where Reference started with 'Settlement0%'
- Unit PurTran - Sets Unit Sales Details Purchase Transaction where 0 and Purchase Nominal_Code = '05-01-02' AND Note LIKE '%<Stock_No>%'".
- Pur JournPD<CD - Sales Temp Credits - Date correction set PaidDate and CreatedDate to ModifiedDate and SalesSubType =TEMP-CREDIT
Data ToDo
These are issues that normally need to be sorted manually. The Report (and Operator Log) will give a details on the records affected.
- Sale FwdDated - This Highlights any sales that have an Inv Date more than 30 days more than todays date just incase an incorrect date was entered by mistake. If incorrect Credit the Invoice (Sales / Options) using the same date and payment methods and if nessesary re-invoice.
- Sale PdAccount - Sales Payment marked Paid but has Payment method set to Account (01-07-01). Make sure you are on Ver: 2.09.177 or later, go to Accounts / Sales / Payments, find record by payment number,make a not of Customers Name and select the 'Make Not Paid' option. And then re-do the Payment in Contacts / Payments. Effects Balance Sheet difference.
- Sale Tran<>Pymt$T / S /O - Sales Payment(s) do not balance with the Sales Transaction. The 'T' signifies that it may be a Trade-In issue, the 'S' signifies that it may be a Settlement or Discount issue. O is other. Normally best way to fix is to Credit with same payments (Sales / Options) and re-Invoice.
- Sale Paid<InvCrt - If any record has a Paid Date is in a previous month to the Invoice/Create Date it will come up with a prompt to change the Paid Date. If answer Yes will set Paid Date to Inv Date and put in Fixed list (see above). If answer No (or it is a Direct Deposit or Supplier Account) it will put it on the ToDo list. Could give incorrect Opening and Closing Debtors figures if the date difference spanned financial periods. Does not really matter if the dates are in the same period. Effects Balance Sheet difference. See also section in Fixed.
- Sale BankJ<>PurJ - This looks at the Banking Journals (There should be one Sales Journal for each Payment Method in a Banking and this should match to a single Purchase Journal (Banking) record (as shown in the Bank reconciliation etc)). If the balances do not match it shows in the TODO list. This is mainly to pick up on previous bug where Sales Banking Journals were not deleted when a Banking was Deleted / Cancelled. On earlier versions of Evopos it only checked for 2 Payment methods to be Banked so if there were 3 or more only the first 2 would incorrectly appear on the TODO list. Normally the only time there are more than 2 payment methods being banked is if there is an adjustment record (say from the Sales Contra payment method), if there is an adjustment it say a payment was marked as Cash when it was in fact by Card, then it would be better to do a separate journal from Cash to Cards. The single Purchase Journal takes the first payment number (eg: 100101 into Bank Account) then the Sales Journals take the following numbers (eg: 100102 out of Cash, 100103 out of Cheques), The Purchase Journal payment number is shown in the Payment Reference field of each Sales Journal. Check there is not an additional Sales Journals for that period (select Accounts / Sales / Payments, select 'All', confirm Date, enter BANKING in search) and you will often see another Banking record containing that amount, if not compare to the Purchase Banking Journals for the same period (select Accounts / Purchases, filter on Bankings and sort by Paid Date). Normally fix by deleting the specified Sales Banking Journal (Accounts / Sales / Payments). Effects Balance Sheet difference. See also next 'Pur Banking' sections which match all 3 record types together.
- Pur Bank<>SJ - The system looks at each Purchase Banking record (Journal), and then looks for the Sales Banking Journals (could be multiple for each Payment Method) and match totals. Effects Balance Sheet difference. See also next section.
- Pur Bank<>SP - Similar to above but matches each Purchase Banking with the Sales Payments Banked. This could happen on old versions when payments are deleted, marked 'Make Not Paid' or certain fields edited. To fix you would normally cancel the banking (in Accounts / Purchases / Find the appropriate Banking and record and select Delete to reverse the Banking, then you would normally Re-Bank the correct Payments in Accounts / Bankings. If it is only a small amount we would normally leave and then do an Adjustment Sale for the whole period See Accounts / Reports / Balance Sheet / Difference. Effects Balance Sheet difference.
- Pur Paid<Inv - If Paid Date in a previous month to Inv Date it will come up with a prompt to change Paid Date. If answer Yes will set Paid Date to Inv Date and put in Fixed list (see above). If you answer No will put in TODO list.
- Pur Journal<>SJ - Goes through all Purchase Journal records with a Reference starting with 'Inv:' (To try an pick up just the Sales Direct Deposits etc) and tries to find a matching Sales Journal (Normally the same Payment number). Check the Purchase Journal record (search by specified Payment No in Accounts / Purchases) and the Sales Journals for the same period / person and if nessassary delete the incorrect Purchase Journal entry.
- Pur ForwardInv - This Highlights any Purchases that have an Inv Date more than 30 days more than todays date just incase an incorrect date was entered by mistake. If incorrect Credit the Purchase Transaction using the same date and nominal etc..
- Unit SellTran? - No Sales Trans Number in Unit Sales Details for Sold Unit (Not essential)
- Unit NoPurUC - No Purchase Transaction found for Used Consignment Unit Sold - May have already been entered Manually so cant match. If not entered you would normally create the Purchase record manually.
- Unit NoPurUS - No Purchase Transaction found for Used Stock (Non-Consignment) Unit - May have been entered Manually, if not create.
- Unit Cost - Unit Sales Details Cost price different to Purchase Trans amount. Could be multiple Purchase records? If not correct the figure that is wrong
- Unit Sell - Unit Sales Details Sold price different to Sales Trans amount. If Unit Sales Details wrong then correct. If Sales Trans wrong Credit and Re-Invoice.
See also Accounts / Reports / Balance Sheet / Difference for how to globally correct any remaining Balance Sheet Differences
Paid Date before Transaction Date issues. This does not allow Evopos to calculate the Debtors and Creditors correctly at a specific date. From the 'ToDo' list you only really have to do any ones that span the period start and finish. To change, select Accounts / Sales / Payments, search for the Payment Number and change the Paid date on all entries to the latest transaction date. For example if the Period start is the 1st July and there is an Invoice date 14th July and Payment date of 9th June, then change the Paid date to 14th July. Newer versions of Evopos do not allow a Paid date before the Transaction date.
After running you will need to Rebuild the Nominal by selecting Accounts / Nominal (Ensure the correct year is selected) / Rebuild.