Evopos can communicate with Tyro Terminals to pass a transaction amount and initiate manual settlement.


  • Tyro Terminal
  • Tyro Terminal Adapter (TTA) installed on each workstation


  1. Ensure you have TTA installed on every workstation and is paired to a device -  Download TTA Here
  2. In Evopos navigate to Settings\Integrations
  3. Create a new integration and name it Tyro
  4. Choose the Tyro Terminal format from the drop down list
  5. Choose a Payment Method (CARDS) to initiate the Tyro Payment
  6. Click Save


  1. Evopos will pass the transaction amount to Tyro when taking a CARDS payment
  2. Customer will Tap or Insert their card
  3. If a signature is required Evopos will print a MERCHANT COPY
  4. Evopos will print the CUSTOMER COPY

Reconciliation and Manual Settlement

  1. Navigate to Sales\Options\Close Batch
  2. Click the Tyro button on the side menu
  3. You will be prompted to perform a Manual Settlement - Click No if you have already settled
  4. You will be prompted to produce a Reconciliation Report
  5. Confirm the Report Type (Summary or Detailed) and confirm the Report Date
  6. Click OK
  7. Evopos will print your reconciliation report

