Evopos has two main Sales Import options:
- Import Sales - Separate CSV file(s) - Normally used for importing sales from other systems
- Import Sales - Combined file - This is a more sophisticated system (often used for transferring sales between Evopos system to another with all associated records.
Importing Sales - Separate CSV file(s)
Sales can often be complicated to import as the data normally comprises of a single Header record for each InvNo and then any number of Line records.
The file(s) to import should be in the following format:
Column | Field | Notes |
A | InvNo | Eg: 123456 - Required - Warning: If any of these numbers could already be in Evopos then set a different Division for the import |
B | InvDate | Eg: 31-Dec-2014 or 31/12/2014 (If blank will use today's date) |
C | CustNo | Eg: 123456 (See notes on L. If not found it will put under Contact ID: 1 unless Name below entered) |
D | PaymentID | 0/1/NO/FALSE = Not Paid, 2 to 99 = Evopos Payment Method ID, Blank/Other = 2 (Cash) |
E | PaidOrDueDate | Eg: 31-Dec-2014 or 31/12/2014 (If blank or before InvDate it will use InvDate) |
F | Qty | Eg: 1 - If blank or zero and description is blank and already has at least 1 line for that InvNo it will not create a line |
G | PartNo | Eg: BA12N143A |
H | Description | Eg: BATTERY 12 VOLT |
I | LineSell | Eg: 110.00 (Including Tax) |
J | LineTax | Eg: 10.00 |
K | LineCost | Eg: 50.75 (Excluding Tax) |
L | Name | Optional - Only used if CustNo is Blank or not found. Evopos will try and match on Name and First Line of address or create new |
M | Add1 | Optional - See above |
Additional Notes
- It is recommended to take backup before each import in-case of any unexpected results.
- Import Contacts before importing Sales, Units or Jobs.
- Remove or replace all commas (,) in the data.
- Make sure you are running Evopos 2.09.350 or later.
- If there are two import files import the Line records first and then the Header file with one or more of the codes: CUSTNO, TOTAL, IDATE in the filename. Both files must have the Invoice (Transaction) Number in the first column.
- If there are multiple lines for an Invoice Number you can either use the option to re-calculate the totals in the Header record from the sum of the Transaction Lines each time a new line for that number is added or run a second file with TOTAL in the filename after.
- If there are multiple lines for an Invoice Number and you use the re-calculate option then the data must be in InvNo order.
- See Importing Data section for additional information on Importing.
On some systems you cannot export all the fields required in one file. For example you may have Header records in one (InvNo, InvDate, Custno) and Lines detail in another.
Import the Lines file first, you can then import a second file with the following options:
- If you do not have the correct CustNo field, then you can import another file that has the Invoice Number and the Customer No in it. The name the of the file must contain CUSTNO eg: Sales_CUSTNO.csv
- If you do not have the correct totals of the Invoice you can import another file that has the Invoice Number and the LineSell columns in it. The name the of the file must contain TOTAL eg: Sales_TOTAL.csv .
- If you do not have the correct dates of the Invoice you can import another file that has the Invoice Number, InvDate and columns in it. The name the of the file must contain IDATE eg: Sales_IDATE.csv .
- If you need to mark certain invoices Not Paid you can import a file with Invoice Number and Payment ID columns. The file name must contain the text PAYMENT eg: Sales_PAYMENT.csv
- Note: You can combine this and the above by naming the file with both eg: Sales_CUSTNO_TOTAL.csv
Sample data for importing current Debtors:
1 (A) | 2 (B) | 3 (C) | 4 (D) | 5 (E) | 6 (F) | 7 (G) | 8 (H) | 9 (I) | 10 (J) | 11 (K) | 12 (L) | 13 (M) |
InvNo | InvDate | CustNo | PaymentID | PaidDate | Qty | PartNo | Description | LineIncl | LineTax | LineCost | ContactName | Address1 |
123456 | 22-Jan-2015 | 123456 | 0 | 1 | Debtors | 450.50 | 0 | 0 | ||||
123457 | 10-Feb-2015 | 345678 | 0 | 1 | Debtors | 214.67 | 0 | 0 |
Sample data for sales from a single file:
1 (A) | 2 (B) | 3 (C) | 4 (D) | 5 (E) | 6 (F) | 7 (G) | 8 (H) | 9 (I) | 10 (J) | 11 (K) | 12 (L) | 13 (M) |
InvNo | InvDate | CustNo | PaymentID | PaidDate | Qty | PartNo | Description | LineIncl | LineTax | LineCost | ContactName | Address1 |
123456 | 22-Jan-2015 | 456789 | 2 | 22-Jan-2015 | 1 | ABC123 | Widget | 480.00 | 80.00 | 200.00 | ||
123456 | 22-Jan-2015 | 456789 | 2 | 22-Jan-2015 | 4 | B8ES | Spark Plug | 24.00 | 4.00 | 12.55 | ||
123457 | 23-Jan-2015 | 321654 | 2 | 23-Jan-2015 | 1 | ABC123 | Widget | 480.00 | 80.00 | 200.00 |
Sample data for importing Lines (2 file system):
1 (A) | 2 (B) | 3 (C) | 4 (D) | 5 (E) | 6 (F) | 7 (G) | 8 (H) | 9 (I) | 10 (J) | 11 (K) | 12 (L) | 13 (M) |
InvNo | InvDate | CustNo | PaymentID | PaidDate | Qty | PartNo | Description | LineIncl | LineTax | LineCost | ContactName | Address1 |
123456 | 2 | 1 | ABC123 | Widget | 480.00 | 80.00 | 200.0 | |||||
123456 | 2 | 4 | B8ES | Spark Plug | 24.00 | 4.00 | 12.00 | |||||
123457 | 2 | 1 | ABC123 | Widget | 480.00 | 80.00 | 200.00 |
Sample data for importing Headers (2 file system - use naming below):
1 (A) | 2 (B) | 3 (C) | 4 (D) | 5 (E) | 6 (F) | 7 (G) | 8 (H) | 9 (I) | 10 (J) | 11 (K) | 12 (L) | 13 (M) |
InvNo | InvDate | CustNo | PaymentID | PaidDate | Qty | PartNo | Description | LineIncl | LineTax | LineCost | ContactName | Address1 |
123456 | 22-Jan-2015 | 123456 | 2 | 22-Jan-2015 | 504.00 | 84.00 | 212.00 | |||||
123457 | 10-Feb-2015 | 345678 | 1 | 16-Feb-2015 | 480.00 | 80.00 | 200.00 |
To Import the file into Evopos
- Navigate to Accounts / Maintenance
- Select Import Sales - CSV
- Select the Division you want it entered into (If the Trans number could already be used you must do this or the lines will be added to the existing invoice).
- Select a Date Since so it will only import transactions after this date
- Select the file to import
- Select 'OK' to run
- On the 'Import where Contact not matched' question select 'Yes' to import the record under '*Counter Sale*' or 'No' to not import these records.
- On the 'Recalculate Totals' question select 'Yes' to recalculate the total each time a line with an existing InvNo is imported, or 'No' to not use the total from the first record imported for that Inv No.
Import Sales - Combined file
This format uses multiple coded lines. This is a more sophisticated system (often used for transferring sales between Evopos system to another with all associated records.
The first field on every line is a code which can be H,S,D,L or P (see below). Fields are separated by the | character
When opened in an editor such as Notepad, the data should look something like this:
H|236555|29-Jan-15 2:18:00 PM|INVOICE|1|19.5900|3.2600|9.2500|0.0020|MARK|Thank you E&EO|CASH: 19.59
S|236555|N406877|MERATI, MR BAHMAN|||||||MR BAHMAN|||||
L|236555|17|33400KWF951|WINKER LIGHT|1.0000|14.6600|11.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0.2000||0|0|P-PRICEFILE|SPECIAL ORDER|*S-ORDER
L|236555|1|SUR1|SPECIAL ORDER|1.0000|1.6667|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0.2000|MARK|0|0|P-STOCK||
P|236555|N406877|MERATI, MR BAHMAN|19.5900|2|29-Jan-15 2:18:21 PM|True|29-Jan-15 2:18:00 PM|
H|236556|29-Jan-15 4:03:00 PM|INVOICE|1|10.9900|1.8300|5.8700|0.0000|MARK|Thank you E&EO|CASH: 10.99
S|236556|N405864|GOSSINK, MR LES|138 KINNELL AVE|CARDONALD|GLASGOW||G52 3RU||MR LES|07916344006||||
L|236556|1|53140KFC8900|THROTTLE GRIP|1.0000|9.1583|6.3000|0.0000|0.0000|0.2000|MARK|0|0|P-STOCK|SPECIAL ORDER|*S-ORDER
P|236556|N405864|GOSSINK, MR LES|10.9900|2|29-Jan-15 4:02:47 PM|True|29-Jan-15 4:03:00 PM|
Note: There is also an export feature in Evopos using this format.
Header record:
Column | Field | Description |
A | Type | H (= Header) |
B | TransNo | Eg: 123456 (See notes above for matching) |
C | TransDate | Eg: 31-Dec-2014 or 31/12/2014 |
D | Type | INVOICE |
E | Department ID | Eg: 1-Shop Sales 2-6-Ebay, Web etc, 7-Jobs, 8-Unsd Units, 9-New Units |
F | Total Incl | Eg: 110.00 |
G | Tax | Eg: 100.00 |
H | Cost | Eg: 70.00 |
I | Rounding | Eg: 0.00 |
J | Operator Name | Eg: Sally S (Short Name) - If not found will create in Operators |
K | Message | Eg: Thanks for your business |
L | Payment Summary | Eg: Paid 110.00 Card |
Sold To (and optional Deliver To) Record
Column | Field | Description |
A | Type | S (= Sold To) and also D (=Deliver To) if a different Delivery address is specified |
B | TransNo | Eg: 123456 (See notes about matching) |
C | CustNo | Eg: 100200 (See Notes about matching) |
D | Name | Eg: SMITH, PETER |
E | Add1 | Eg: 123 Any Street |
F | Add2 | Eg: Little Corner |
G | Town | Eg: SOUTHPORT |
H | State/County | Eg: QLD\Dorset |
I | Postcode | Eg: 4213/BH12 3GH |
J | Greeting | Eg: Pete |
K | Mobile | Eg: 0413 044978 |
L | Work Phone | Eg: 07 55303101 |
M | Home Phone | Eg: 07 55332124 |
N | Eg: bill@evopos.com.au |
Line Record
Column | Field | Description |
A | Type | L (= Line record) |
B | TransNo | Eg: 123456 (See notes above for matching) |
C | StoreID | Eg: 1 |
D | Part Number | Eg: ABC123 |
E | Description | Eg: WIDGET 32MM |
F | Qty | Eg: 1 |
G | UnitSellExcl | Eg: 100.00 |
H | UnitCostExcl | Eg: 70.00 |
I | Discount% | Eg: 5 |
J | Discount$ | Eg: 5.00 |
K | Tax Rate | Eg: 20 |
L | Salesperson Name | Eg: SALLY S (Short Name in Operators) |
M | Parent ID | Eg: 0 |
N | Linked ID | Eg: 0 |
Payment Record
Column | Field | Description |
A | Type | P (= Payment record) |
B | TransNo | Eg: 123456 (See notes above for matching) |
C | Customer No | Eg: 123456 (See notes above for Contact Matching) |
D | Name | Eg: SMITH, PETER |
E | Amount | Eg: 110.00 |
F | Payment Method ID | Eg: 1 or 0 for not Paid (Make sure matches with the database being imported into) |
G | Due Date | Eg: 21-Dec-2016 |
H | Paid Date | Eg: 21-Dec-2016 |
I | Payment Reference | Eg: Cheque No: 23335 |