EVOPOS can communicate with Contact Online to automatically or manually download leads.


  • Account with Contact Online and dealer ID number
  • EVOPOS Version 2.09.345 or greater


  1. Navigate to Settings\Integrations
  2. Create a New Integration
  3. Choose the format Contact Online
  4. Fill in your Dealer ID
  5. Choose how you would like to download leads

How it Works

EVOPOS will create a new contact for each lead downloaded, it will then update the contact as a prospect and fill in details from Contact Online.

Automatically Import Leads

  1. Make sure the integration is set to automatically import leads
  2. Navigate to Settings\Workstations\Scheduler
  3. Create a New Schedule
  4. Choose the Integration Sync type
  5. Choose the occurrence
  6. Save the Schedule

Manually Import Leads

  1. Navigate to CRM\Prospects
  2. Click the Import option
  3. EVOPOS will show a list of leads from the last 30 days
  4. Select which leads you would like to import
  5. Click OK to import leads