Our internal messaging platform allows you to send messages between staff and teams within EVOPOS.

Send a Message

  1. Click the Messages button on the top menu
  2. Choose the person or team you want to send a message to
  3. Write your message
  4. Click the Send button or press the ENTER key

Group Send

Group Send allows you to send the same message to individual staff members just like how messages previously worked.

New Task

The New Task option allows you to quickly create a task based of the last message you received in the thread you are viewing.


  1. EVOPOS will display a notification when you receive a message
  2. Clicking on the notification will open the Messages form and mark the message as read

Team Message Notifications

You will only be notified of team messages if you contribute by sending a message.

Acknowledged/Read Receipt

Messages are now automatically acknowledged/marked as read when viewing the message thread.

Rich Content

Messages are now displayed in a web browser allowing us to take advantage of rich content such as links and images.

Web Links

EVOPOS will convert any URL you send in a message to a clickable link, clicking this link will open the page in your web browser.


EVOPOS will convert any image URL into an clickable image displayed in the message.

Custom Links

We have custom links that can open different entities in EVOPOS.

Job Cards - EVOPOS will recognise and convert JN:xxxxxx (where xxxxxx is the job no) into a clickable link which will open the job card.